Stochastic Process Note VI: Donsker's Theorem
For a sequence of i.i.d. random variables $\{X_n\}$ and their sums $S_n=\sum_{k=1}^nX_k$, the central limit theorem states that, under certain conditions, the distribution of $\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}S_n$ converges to a normal distribution as $n\to\infty$. In this post, I will introduce a similar result for stochastic processes: if we regard the sequence $\{S_n\}$ as a random walk and extend it to a continuous-time process $\{S_t\}$ via linear interpolation, then under certain conditions, the scaled process $\{\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}S_{nt}\}$ converges to a Brownian motion $B$ as $n\to\infty$. This result is called the Donsker’s theorem. Donsker’s theorem to some extent illustrates the importance of Brownian motions in the theory of stochastic processes: for many path-properties of some specific random walks $X$ such as the maximum or minimum of the trajectories, Donsker’s theorem implies that their distributions in the long run can be characterized by the distribution of the corresponding properties of a Brownian motion $B$.
Stochastic Process Note V: Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes
In the previous posts in this series, I introduced the concepts of filters, stopping times, martingales, and Markov chains, in the discrete-time setting. In this post, I will introduce their counterparts in the continuous-time setting, with a focus on their differences.
Stochastic Process Note IV: Ergodicity
In the last post, I introduced the consistency between the time-average and the space-average of Markov chains (under certain regularity conditions). In this post, I will first introduce a dynamical system perspective that can explain this consistency. Then, based on this understanding, I will introduce two sets of conditions that lead to the consistency between the time-average and the space-average but are more general than the Markov condition. Finally, I will provide several examples to explain how to apply these more general conditions in practice.
Stochastic Process Note III: Markov Chains
In the previous post, I discussed how to use structural information about conditional expectations (specifically, monotonicities of conditional expectations) to derive several theoretical properties and calculate the expected values of some random variables. In this post, I will discuss how to use structural information about the conditional probability measure $P$. Specifically, I will focus on $P$ with the following form
$$P(X_n|\mathcal{F}_{n-1}) = p(X_{n-1},X_n),$$
in which the transition probability $p$ is a function that is invariant across time $n$.
Stochastic Process Note II: Martingales
When introducing the concept of conditional expectations in the previous post, I mentioned that in some cases, “knowing the expected values alone is enough to provide many important structural details of the stochastic process”. In this post, I will further illustrate this idea with the theory of martingales.
Annual Summary (2018-19)
In the past year, I have been in the ride-hailing industry and have encountered many interesting problems. In this post, I would like to summarize my experience in formulating and tackling these problems and share my personal ideas on future directions.
Stochastic Process Note I: Introduction and Basic Concepts
Stochasticity is pervasive in our daily lives and is related to phenomena like the rise and fall of stock prices, the changes in weather, and the occurrence of traffic congestion. The theory of stochastic processes provides a series of elegant and powerful tools that not only can model these phenomena, but also lay the analytical foundation for a large number of fields and applications, including queueing systems, optimal control problems, and derivative pricing.
在本文和接下来的几篇文章中,我将简要介绍一些随机过程理论中的基本概念及其应用。我主要有两个目标:一是对最近对Durrett的Probability: Theory and Examples一书的学习进行总结,便于未来参考;二则是想要分享和讨论我个人对这些工具的理解与看法。
In this and the next few posts, I will briefly introduce some of the basic concepts in the theory of stochastic processes and their applications. I have two objectives: first, I would like to summarize the recent study of Durrett’s Probability: Theory and Examples for future reference; secondly, I want to share and discuss my understanding and views on these tools.
A Note on Decision Behavior Modeling
In this post, I will briefly discuss some of my current thoughts on decision behavior modeling based on my research experience over the past year.
From an abstract point of view, decision making is to take an action $a$ according to a certain strategy $\pi$ given decision information $s$ (hereinafter referred to as the state)
$$a \sim \pi(s).$$
而行为决策建模,则希望根据观察数据$\mathcal{D} = \{(s,a)\}_n$,获取决策机制$\pi$的相关信息。
While decision behavior modeling attempts to infer the strategy $\pi$ from observations $\mathcal{D} = \{(s,a)\}_n$.
Because the dataset $\mathcal{D}$ has finite datapoints, there can be an infinite number of $\pi$ that fits well into the dataset. Therefore, researchers often need to make additional assumptions about the form of $\pi$. And one of the most fundamental assumptions is that $\pi$ follows the utility-maximization principle.